the Pancake Wheel foldable wagon.
As it was I’m glad it’s the world’s thinnest folding wagon because it just barely fit in the trunk with all
of my daughters “essentials.” Boy
am I glad I brought it though. When we got up to Virginia Tech we were required to park about as far away from the entrance to her dorm as you could get.
As I watched other parents huffing and puffing down hallways with televisions, computers and mini fridges I was so glad I had
the wagon. It may very well be the best folding wagon because it holds up to two hundred pounds but was nimble enough to turn corners and fit though all the doors.
At the end of the day I was sad to leave my daughter but excited to know that if she ever needed anything I could throw it and the Pancake Wheel wagon into the trunk of my car and get it to her with no problem. Either that or I’ll just have to wait until she accepts my Facebook friend request
To get you very own pancake flat cart by pancake wheel you can buy online from www.foldflatworld.com or you can find it on Amazon Marketplace as well.