You don’t have to be a soccer mom or soccer coach for that matter to need a little help carrying sports equipment around. Cheerleaders need mats, football players need pads, and baseball players need bats, balls, gloves and the ever important cooler of sport drinks. Getting the hideaway pancakeflat wagon was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done to haul my sports equipment.
I do happen to be a coach, recreation league soccer to be exact. Our soccer fields are booked solid in the afterschool hours and weekends are equally as popular. I was getting ready for one of the last games of the season. The leaves had already turned and the brisk morning air had everyone wearing a sweatshirt.
We got to our side of the field and started practicing drills. After about thirty minutes I looked up and noticed the other team wasn’t here yet. If they didn’t show up soon it meant a forfeit. Suddenly one of our parents came racing across the field with a red face and out of breath.
“You’re on the wrong field, if you don’t get over to the orange field in the next 3 minutes we’re going to have to forfeit,” he said. In a matter of minutes we had to get all the kids and our equipment to the other side of the sports complex to the orange field.
“Throw everything in the wagons and run,” I yelled. What I didn't mention, is that I got two of the pancake flat wagons, which are new fold-up carts that fold down totally flat so I can leave not one but two in my SUV. Most people that see this pancake flat wagon/cart have no idea what it is till I set it up in a few seconds.
What a sight we were- parents, kids, my assistant parent coach and two pancake flat wagons leading the charge across the complex. I’m sure somewhere there’s a Youtube video or facebook post of us hauling butt across the fields. We got there with only seconds to spare but in time to play the game.
Some of the team parents (and a parent from the other team!) wanted to know where I got the amazing pancake flat wagon that folded to seven inches flat. That was the easiest part of the whole day. I was quite proud to say www.foldflatworld.com,” Of course you can get them at some Virginia Beach, Virginia (VA) Taylor Do-it-Yourself hardware stores and online at amazon.com . I’m just glad I had them or my Kempsville team may never had made it to our first place finish.