A man’s yard is his turf to protect. So keeping the lawn green, bushes trimmed and flowers blooming can be a time consuming habit for weekend warriors. Look across your neighborhood on any given weekend. What do you see? Men at work.
My neighbor Sam is one of those guys who spends hours eradicating wire grass from his front yard and I hold my own. Whether its mulch, or shrubs I used to use a wheelbarrow. But now, I have a secret weapon that’s going to make Sam envious and that is the pancake wheel wagon. This is no ordinary folding cart. It’s a one man hauling machine that folds up flat as a pancake.
Since I’m the muscle for all gardening endeavors in my house I’ve been using this to quickly haul bags of mulch to the back yard, then bags of compost to the front yard and everything in between. The wagon is great because it can fold up and hang on a wall in the garage since there’s not much room in there with all my power tools.
I got the pancake flat folding cart by pancake wheel online from www.foldflatworld.com and its available also on Amazon.com.